Secured Loan

What is a secured loan? A secured loan is a loan that uses an asset (your home, your car) as collateral when borrowing money. Adding security to a loan agreement reduces the lenders’ risk when you borrow. When you take out a secured loan from a lender, a mortgage for example, but fail to make payments, the lender can then turn to the security if they decide to take collection action against you.

Other examples of secured loans include car loans, home loans, or a loan against other property like investments.

What is an unsecured loan? An unsecured loan is any loan that is given by a lender without any collateral. Instead, lenders consider other factors such as your credit report and your overall worthiness and credit history. This means that having bad credit may impact your ability to secure funding through an unsecured loan. Examples of unsecured loans include credit cards, payday advances or overdrafts on your bank account.
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Because of the risk levels for lenders, interest rates can differ between a secured loan and an unsecured loan. With a secured loan, because there is collateral to protect the lender, interest rates may be lower than an unsecured loan. Interest rates may be higher on unsecured loans because the lender is not protected and thus interest represents their protection in case payments are not made.

One important similarity between a secured loan and an unsecured loan is that both report to your credit report (with minor exceptions, eg. payday loans). So, if you keep up with payments, make more than the required minimum payment, and keep your balance well below your credit limit, these facts work to keep your credit report in good standing and your credit score high. However, if you fail to make payments or if you default on an unsecured or secured loan your creditor will then report the default to your credit report and your credit score will suffer.