Property Taxes

What are property taxes? Property taxes are the fees that you, as a property owner, are required to pay to the municipality within which you reside. These taxes are levied by the city and are the main source of revenue used by the city to pay for services. These services include things such as education, libraries, police and fire services, parks and recreation, transit services and development and infrastructure, garbage and snow removal, social services and water and waste treatment.

How are your property taxes calculated? Property taxes are calculated based on the assessed value of your property multiplied by the municipal tax rate for your property class. The municipal tax rate differs for different cities; some are higher than others, based on a number of different factors calculated by the city in question. Here are a few examples of municipal tax rates:

  • Toronto municipal property tax rate: 0.74%
  • London municipal property tax rate: 1.36%
  • Brampton municipal property tax rate: 1.16%
  • Newmarket municipal property tax rate: 0.40%
  • Barrie municipal property tax rate: 1.30%

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All property owners in a given city are required by law to pay property taxes – but there are options as far as payment schedules. Most cities require property taxes to be paid in installments, either monthly or quarterly (most provide both options).