Child Support Debt
If you owe money for child support or spousal support, this is unlike other forms of debt. When you have a great deal of debt from credit cards or personal loans, these can often be overcome if you claim bankruptcy or enter into a consumer proposal. Spousal support or child support debt though is not dischargeable through bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, and you are still required to make these payments. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy to get rid of your child support debt, it is important to acknowledge that no suspension of payments is possible.
What happens if you have spousal support or child support debt? If your spousal or child support payments have fallen behind, there are different actions that may be taken in order to get the money from you. One of the most common enforcement actions that results from child support debt is a wage garnishment. When a wage garnishment is directed against you for child support debt, a letter is sent to your employer and he or she is required to transfer a portion of your wages to pay off the child support debt. If you are self-employed, a letter may be sent to your bank and the funds will be withdrawn from your account to pay for your child support debt.
Other enforcement actions that can result from a failure to pay a child support debt are the suspension of various licenses or the suspension or revocation of your passport. A court order is not needed for this to be carried out; the Family Responsibility Office just needs to send out a request. This can be avoided by entering into a satisfactory child support debt repayment plan with the Family Responsibility Office.
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Child support debt in any case should be taken extremely seriously.